
We're All Going to Be Fed Into the Maw of the Technocratic Slave System and Have Our Fingers Broken by Our New Chess-playing Robot Overlords and There's Nothing We Can Do About It

  There’s no shortage of black pills for those in the conspiracy reality community to swallow. In fact, it’s difficult to avoid swallowing a mouthful of them every time you scroll through the news feeds. Just look at these stories from the past few days: And And And get a load of this one: You get the point. It’s almost impossible to browse the news anymore without giving up all hope for the future of humanity. We’re all going to be fed into the maw of the technocratic slave system and have our fingers broken by our new chess-playing robot overlords and there’s nothing we can do about it. After all, when you ask an AI image generation bot to predict what the last selfie a human ever takes will look like  you get this : I guess we better just abandon all hope now, right? Not so fast. Here’s a great big white pill for you: the technocratic system of tyranny is  going   to fail . This is not wishful thinking; it’s a cold statement of fact. Technocracy, in all its facets...

When the Shelves Run Empty the Majority of You Will Die. Do Not Assume That It Will Never Happen. We Are Living in Dangerous Times. Some of Us See It, but Many Do Not

There is no doubt that the state of the economy has been continuously getting worse , especially during the past few months. If the economy collapses, you can go without almost anything but food and water. The truth is that you will be able to survive for three days without consuming any water before your body begins breaking down. Dehydration usually starts only after one day so you can imagine what the state of your body will be like after three or four days. If you have family or people to take care of, then this is just going to make things even worse for you and this is why it is essential that you’re prepared. I wouldn’t say that it is “never too late” to prepare for potential disaster because, obviously, the numerous economic and social catastrophes of the past have proven otherwise. There simply comes a point in time in which the ignorant and presumptive are indeed officially screwed. I will say that we have not quite come to that point yet here in the U.S., but the window of o...